Eligibility criteria for AWIMA membership

Eligibility criteria for AWIMA membership

.1  Age requirement: women under the age of retirement to be admitted as an AWIMA Member;

.2  Serving in the maritime Administrations, maritime academies, shipping industries or    related fields;

.3  the maximum age for any Member to be eligible for Fellowship funding in support of long termtraining (over 3 months) is 52 years, so as to enable enough years of service in which to       apply the knowledge and skills thus gained;

.4   in order to be eligible for long term training through the auspices of AWIMA, the nominating country will formally agree to ensure the Fellow will return to their administration for a minimum number of years; and

.5 An AWIMA Member must be a graduate in a maritime subject, master mariner, maritime traininglecturer, maritime administration, or have been employed in the maritime sector at a professional level for a minimum of 5 years.
